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Bored Of Lita Now!


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Can we talk about something else, its hard wading through all these very similar pages of talk about "him" but it is getting a bit (actually a lot) boring now. Hes gone, cant do anything to change it, so can we please move on and talk about something else please!?!

Cant be the only one thinking this can I?


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Guest BeNeRz

I was just going to start a topic like this, people are goin over board its done and dusted now we got the cash, and they got lita.

Startin to annoy me aswell now!

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What shall we talk about then Dolly?

How about this one to start :-

Why didn't Arsenal have a chat with Real Madri and try and get say £5M and Thomas Gravesen?

That would seem a perfect deal for me. What d'ya reckon young chickalata?

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That would have been a good move, but maybe Patrick wasnt interested in going to Madrid, and so this was never discussed. Patrick seemed to have his heart set one Juve since earlier in the week.

Or maybe gravesen wasnt interested in leaving, which would you prefer Sunny spain or Arsenal? (I know which I would pick!)


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Guest BeNeRz
What about the price of fish - it's shocking !


Its a disgrace!!

I swear tesco don't want us to buy there fish!

TIP : don't nick the fish from next doors garden its not a good idea!

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What about batteries?

My God they are extortionate; thank god for work stationery cabinets or we'd never be able to afford children.

Another thing; you can buy What Car magazine, What House etc. etc. When are they going to bring out What Pen?

Do I get a rollerball, fountain or rollergel? Do I get flexi-grip or firm? Medium or Fine?

It keeps me awake that one! sad.gif

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How about where do all those missing socks go?

And as for batteries just go to ikea and buy them - cost peanuts there, practically giving them away!


Socks is easy. I used to work For Zanussi and they told us that nano-bots were responsible for the clean washing and provided they had a sock to snack on, they would guarantee you a clean wash every time.

This is why it is only worth buying cheap, fraganced, powders and tablets as it makes no difference; if you don't put in a sock, that wine stain will never come out.

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Why, hello Dolly your looking swell Dolly blushing.gif nice weather for the time of year don't you think.

Reminds me of all those Roberts posts and Tinman out posts; well o.t.t. should all be merged into one or have there own wub.gif Lita section. Mods are you reading ohmy.gif

Edit; just spotted a flaw in that ......... this is another L.L. post blink.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

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Quick change the subject, nobody will notice!

My dog just nearly got his throat ripped out by a bloody rotweiller!


that's just not news Dolly.....................

Now if your dog nearly got his throat ripped out by a bloody man........ then that's news! biggrin.gif

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I don't like this thread; it doesn't mention that Reading player enough for me.

Isn't Ramsay's kitchen nightmares cool?

And isn't it about time that afro-bitch Makosi was booted out. If I see anymore false tears from that freak, i'm going to kick the tele until it realy, really hurts!

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I don't like this thread; it doesn't mention that Reading player enough for me.

Isn't Ramsay's kitchen nightmares cool?

And isn't it about time that afro-bitch Makosi was booted out.  If I see anymore false tears from that freak, i'm going to kick the tele until it realy, really hurts!

Reading Speedway or Reading Festival? farmer.gif

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And isn't it about time that afro-bitch Makosi was booted out.  If I see anymore false tears from that freak, i'm going to kick the tele until it realy, really hurts!

The pregnancy thing was soooooo in a bid to stay in the house, thats why she keeps playing that particular card! ranting.gif


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The pregnancy thing was soooooo in a bid to stay in the house, thats why she keeps playing that particular card! ranting.gif


She's falser than Orlaith's jugs; and twice as ugly!

Poor Kemal; he ain't got a wucking foo what he is, so how the hell do we know.

As for Anthony; soooo bi-curious. I've had close male friends; I ain't felt the need to massage them everyday; not yet anyway.

Vanessa; has no mind of her own (not dis-similar from several posters on this forum as it goes). I reckon one of the bloke's could give her one and she'll only enjoy it if Makosi says she can!

When is Scott Murray coming back from Reading? The real one I mean!!

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